The objective of the Prospectus Regulation is to harmonise requirements for the drafting, approval, and distribution of the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market in an EU Member State. The intention is to help companies, especially SMEs, access different forms of finance in the EU. It does so by simplifying and streamlining the rules and procedures they must apply when drawing up, securing approval and distributing the prospectus they publish when offering securities to the public. The legislation reduces costly and burdensome red tape on companies and enables investors to make the right investment decision by making the information provided comprehensible, easy to analyse and concise. The Prospectus Regulation repeals Directive 2003/71/EC with effect from 20 July 2019. Milieu will carry out the compliance assessment of the national implementing measures in all 28 EU Member States.