Milieu is supporting the implementation of the #3BillionTrees pledge as presented by the European Commission. Webinars, workshops and annual conferences will be organised to promote the implementation of the initiative. The latest webinar, which took place last week, saw the Commission introducing and explaining the #EUguidelines on Biodiversity-Friendly Afforestation, Reforestation and Tree Planting that it had recently published. Through active planting and natural regeneration, these guidelines constitute one of the key milestones to implement the EU’s 3 billion additional trees pledge by 2030. During the webinar, we also had interesting presentations from organisations representing best practice #treeplantingactivities in rural areas (Reforest’Action), Urban areas (Madrid Green Belt by the Madrid Townhall), and Agroforestry (Greek AgroForestry Network).

Discover more here.


Green Belt – urban planting trees initiative in Madrid