Véronique BruggemanAssociate Senior Manager

Areas of expertise
  • Environmental & energy law
  • Climate change policy
  • Quality assurance
  • Project management
  • Risk management
  • Catastrophe Risk Analyst Training Program, Risk Management Solutions, London (GB)
    Doctoral researcher (PhD), Maastricht University (NL)
  • Post graduate course in Law and Economics, Maastricht University (NL)
  • LLM, International, European and Comparative Energy and Environmental Law , Catholic University Leuven (BE)
  • Bachelor and Master of Laws, Catholic University Leuven (BE)
  • Dutch, English, Spanish, French

Dr. Véronique Bruggeman is a Belgian qualified lawyer with extensive knowledge and professional experience in the area of climate change policy, environmental and energy law, insurance, financial services legislation, catastrophe law, workers compensation, terrorism and catastrophe modelling.

Véronique graduated in Law from the Catholic University Leuven (Belgium), where she also completed an LL.M. in European, international and comparative energy and environmental law. She then started her professional life as a legal trainee at DLA Piper. Subsequently, Véronique moved to Maastricht University (the Netherlands) to finalise her PhD thesis on compensating victims from natural catastrophes, terrorism and man-made disasters – from a comparative and behavioural law and economics perspective. Thereafter, she was employed as a climate finance consultant at the insurance boutique Parhelion Underwriting Ltd in the City of London (UK). In October 2010, Véronique joined Risk Management Solutions in the City of London as a manager in the Model Product Management department, where she was responsible for the RMS terrorism and workers compensation models.

Véronique is a member of, inter alia, the International Nuclear Law Association, the Malta Forum of Legal Experts on Climate Adaptation, the Environmental Lawyers Network International, and the Ius Commune Research School. She has published extensively in the area of catastrophe victim compensation, energy law, insurance and environmental law.

Based in Madrid,  Véronique has contributed extensively to the coordination and quality assurance of a number of complex multi-country projects, as well as in the drafting and execution of tender proposals and legal reports for Milieu since 2013. Important projects that she has worked on include: framework service contract with DG FISMA on compliance assessment of financial services legislation; “Analysis of the manuals of procedures for the permit granting process applicable to projects of common interest prepared under Article 9 of Regulation no.347/2013″ for DG ENER; “Verification of compliance of national legislative measures implementing Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency” for DG ENER; “Study on the evaluation of the practical implementation of EU Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Directives in EU Member States with a view to assessing their relevance, effectiveness and coherence and identifying possible improvements to the regulatory framework” for DG Employment; “Fitness Check Mandate for the Construction Sector” for DG Growth. In addition, Véronique serves as the Belgian (and, occasionally, Spanish) legal expert on various conformity checking projects.