Nicolas GebhardLegal Trainee

Areas of expertise
  • International and European environmental and climate change law
  • Carbon markets
  • Energy and circular economy
  • Legal and policy research and analysis
  • LLM., International Business Law: Climate Change & Corporations, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, (NL)
  • LLM., German and Italian Law, Universitá degli Studi di Firenze, (IT)
  • BA, German and Italian Law, Universität zu Köln, (GE)
  • German, Italian, English

Nicolas Gebhard is a German and Italian national who joined Milieu as a Legal Trainee in April 2024. He holds a Bachelor and Master’s degree in German and Italian law from the Universität zu Köln and the Universitá degli Studi di Firenze, as well as a Master’s degree in “International Business Law: Climate Change & Corporations” from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Nicolas is specialised in international and European climate change and environmental law. After his studies, he did a seven-month legal traineeship at Climate Focus, supporting a wide range of public and private clients in developing and implementing climate policies and legislations across all sectors.

Nicolas native languages are German and Italian, and he speaks fluent English.