Maxime MoulacAdvisor

Areas of expertise
  • Environmental law
  • Fundamental rights
  • Migration
  • Data protection
  • LL.M. European Public Law and Governance European Law School, Maastricht University, Maastricht, NL

  • LL.M. German Law Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, DE

  • Master degree in European Law, sp. French-German Jurist University Rennes 1, Rennes, FR

  • French, English, German

Maxime is a French national who has joined Milieu in January 2020. He holds an LL.M. in European Public Law and Governance from Maastricht University, and a joint master’s degree from the Universities of Rennes and Erlangen in French and German public and fundamental rights laws.
He has experience in data protection and payment services in the EU, as well as in EU public policy analysis. His specific interests are environmental law, fundamental rights, migration and data protection law, which has led him to write his master’s theses on the right to delisting under the General Data Protection Regulation, and on the functioning of the Dublin III regulation at internal European borders.