Claire DupontManaging Director
Areas of expertise
- Environmental policy
- Legislation development
- Legislation implementation
- Impact assessment
- Investment projects
- Maîtrise de Droit, University of Law, Nancy, France
- Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Européennes, Centre Européen Universitaire, Nancy, France
- Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (5th year), University of Law, Nancy, France
- English, French, Russian
Claire Dupont is a French national and has a Master’s Degree and Higher Diploma in Law, with specialisation in European legislation and policy. Working for 25 years as an environmental legal consultant for both private and public sector clients, Claire has gained an in-depth knowledge and practical understanding of environmental policy and legislation development, implementation and implications.
She started her professional career in Russia ‒ collaborating for 5 years with a Canadian environmental consultancy where she provided legal advice to public and private sector clients, notably in the context of environmental impact assessment and investment projects, and guiding clients through the Russian approval system ‒ including environmental authorisations.
During her 6 years with ERM in the UK, Claire managed numerous regulatory and policy assessments ‒ involving the briefing of corporate affairs staff on the risks and opportunities of new and likely future developments, and developing appropriate strategy and responses. She has also travelled extensively in Russia, Belarus and Mongolia on technical assistance projects ‒ a strand of activity she has pursued in her present position where she continues to provide senior advice on policy development and drafting legislation in line with international and EU legislation and standards across a range of issues in EECCA and Mediterranean countries, i.e. industrial pollution, waste, marine and water management, nature protection and the EIA.
Working with Milieu since 2006, Claire has been playing a key role in the provision of legal services, mainly for EU clients. In her position as Principal Legal Expert and Executive Director, she directs numerous projects involving in-depth legal and policy analysis, and is also responsible for the quality assurance of key deliverables in these projects. She is currently directing several projects including: a project supporting DG Environment in the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive; a number of conformity checking contracts in particular several framework contracts, for DG Environment and DG Climate, for DG Energy and for DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union.
Claire has also extended her field of competence to other areas such as occupational health and safety. She has a special interest in complex legal studies, notably linked to the identification of regulatory/policy options and comparative studies and has extensive experience in the review of EU legislation implementation by Member States, as well as enforcement and sanctions. Recently, she has also been involved in several evaluations and REFIT studies in the context of the Better Regulation initiative.
Ms. Dupont is experienced in writing and editing clear and focused legal reports. She has authored and co-authored a number of reports for the European Commission and other clients.